PeakSkills eLearning Instructor Tutorial

Section 1? – Overview

1.1??? ?? Overview

  • The Instructor Area gives the Instructor full control over the management of his or her assigned courses and Learners. There are eight sections: Home Page, Courses, Student Accounts, Schedule, Discussion Groups, Chat Room and eMail.
  • On the Home page, view the list of Course Sections assigned to you, your latest email from Learners, and the latest scheduled events for your course sections.
  • In the Courses Section, view assigned courses and sections, and click them to reach course details. Details include:
    • Course members
    • Links to individual student folders via clicking on student name
    • Date started and completed
    • Completion box
    • List of course assignments including due dates, assignment links and % complete
    • Add new assignment link (new assignments are sent to Learners and can include attachments)
    • List of Course groups (course members broken into smaller Learning Groups)
  • In the Courses Section:
    • Add course information including syllabus and learning resources for a particular section.
    • Schedule learning events for that section (same function as in Schedule below.)
    • Launch the course in the Course Player to view it.
  • In the Student Accounts Section, the Student folders screen displays Learner names and their courses. Click on a Learner to access the Learner?s student folder. Alternately, click on the link, Group by Course, to view Learners grouped that way. Again click on a Learner?s name to access the Learner?s student folder.
  • Once inside the Student folder, view course information for that Learner including:
    • Course status
    • Start and completion dates
    • Login in date and time enrolled
    • Scores on pre and post assessments
    • Action plans
    • Assignments
  • In the Student Accounts Section, click Learning Group to leave the Student Folders area. In Learning Group area, separate a course into Learning Groups and send assignments and email to Learning Groups.
  • In the Schedule Section, add events to each course schedule. These events are in addition to any specifically designated class times assigned in the Administration area. Currently, you can schedule coaching sessions, group meetings, chats and webinars.
  • In the Discussion Groups Section, start discussions that you want Learners to join. Each course has a discussion board as a resource.
  • In the Chat Rooms, lead a scheduled chat with Learners.
  • In the E-mail Section, compose e-mail and send to Learners.

Section 2? – The Home Page

2.1?????? The Home Page

  • All courses assigned to you will be listed in the Course List.
  • Latest email will be accessible in right top box.
  • Latest events for each course section will be listed in the Schedule box.

Section 3? – Using the Courses Area

3.1?? ??? ?Accessing the Courses Area

  • Click Courses link on the left menu.

3.2?????? Accessing a Specific Course Section

  • Click the course link of the course/section you are interested in.
  • You can now view course/section members, and date each started and completed the course.
  • Mark Learners as completing the course by clicking in the appropriate box if your PeakSkills administrator has chosen the ?Instructors Choice? form of course completion as compared to the automatic assessment method.
  • Send assignments to the whole class by clicking Add New Assignment at the bottom of the page.
  • View student assignments by clicking on the listing under the Assignment column in Course Assignments.

3.3?????? Sending Assignments/Adding Members to a Course Learning Group

  • FYI: You can break any course section into a series of Learning Groups for assignment and chat purposes. Click on a Learning Group listed under Course Groups to access the Learning Group.
  • Add Learning Group members by clicking Add member.
  • Click Add New Assignment to send an assignment to the Learning Group.
  • Click Return to Learning Group List to add a new Learning Group to your course section.

3.4?????? Defining the Course Syllabus and Learning Resources for Course Sections

  • From the course home page, click the Course Information tab to develop your syllabus for your Section and to add Learner resources to a section. Clicking ?Submit? will send that information to the Learner?s Course Catalogue and Course Status Page.

3.5?????? Scheduling Learning Events

  • From the course home page, click the Schedule tab to schedule chats, meetings, webinars, and coaching sessions for your section.

3.6?????? Viewing the Course Player

  • From the course home page, click the Launch tab to view the self-paced portion of your course in the Course Player.

Section 4? – Using the Student Accounts Area

4.1?? ??? ?Accessing the Student Accounts Area

  • Click Student Accounts link on the left menu. .

4.2?????? Accessing a Specific Student Account

  • In the Student Folders area, click links to group-by-student or group-by-course. In either grouping, click Learner name to access Student Account.
  • The Student Account shows:
    • Course status including start and completion dates, login time for that particular couse.
    • Pre and post-assessment scores if any.
    • Action Plans to check on Learner?s progress. (Action Plan links will be clickable only when a Learner has started an Action Plan.)
    • Assignments. Add New Assignments by clicking on the link. View completed assignements by clicking on the name of the assignment under the Assignments column.
    • Email from the Instructor.

4.2?????? Adding/Editing a Learning Group to a Course Section

  • Click Student Accounts link on the left menu.
  • Click Learning Groups under Student Accounts.
  • Each course will display Learning Groups that have been set up. Learning Groups are smaller sections of Learners within courses.
  • Click a Learning Group link to:
    • View list of members
    • Add new group member by clicking link.
    • View list of assignments sent to the group.
    • Add new group assignment by clicking on link.
  • Send email to group by clicking on link, Send Message.

Section 5? – Scheduling

5.1?? ??? ?Accessing the Scheduling Area

  • Click Schedule link on the left menu.

5.2?????? Scheduling an Event for a Course Section

  • Search for your course and section.
  • The Schedule lists:
    • Class schedule for scheduled class sessions.
    • Other class events such as:
      • Coaching session
      • Chat
      • Webinar
      • Meetings
  • Click Add new event to this section to add listings for class events. Fill in form and click Submit.
  • The scheduled event will appear in the Learner?s schedule in the Course Status page for that course. The latest three scheduled events for a course section will appear on the Learner?s home page.

Section 6? – Using the Discussion Area

6.1?? ??? ?Accessing the Discussion Area

  • Click Discussion link on the left menu.

6.2?????? Using the Discussion Area

  • Course forums are listed on the top. Create a new forum with the name of your course, section or Learning Group. Start a message going.
  • Use different forums for different discussion threads.

Section 7? – Using the Chat Room

7.1?? ??? ?Accessing the Chat Room

  • Click Chat link on the left menu.

7.2?????? Using the Chat Room

  • You will see the Chat menu which was established in the Schedule section.
  • Click Enter Chat Room to enter your chat.
  • The right menu will include all people currently in the Chat room
  • Enter your message in the text area in the bottom of the Chat window, and click ?go? to add your message to the Chat.

Section 8? – Sending/Receiving eMail

8.1?? ??? ?Accessing the eMail Area

  • Click eMail link on the left menu.

8.2?????? Sending/Receiving/ eMail

  • Click a message title to read a message already sent. Reply, forward or delete the message.
  • When replying, select the recipients in the left box with your cursor. (Note: By holding down the shift key, you can select more than one name at once in the left box.) Click either Send button.
  • Click Compose Message to send a new message. select the recipients in the left box with your cursor. (Note: By holding down the shift key, you can select more than one name at once in the left box.) Click either Send button.
  • Click the box to the left of the message and then click Delete Selected to delete a message.